Book Review: The lazy Leprechaun

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ठूलो गाडीको


Book Style: Story book for young children

Reading Level: 2 (Reading With assist because of mid-range length as well as some difficult vocabulary)

Reading Length: 5-7 minutes (FYI – we never account for young child questions)

Illustration: Detailed, clay-like, fun

Age Target: 2-8 Years of Age

Author: Conor Cassidy

Author’s Page: Conor Cassidy

Book purchase Page: Amazon us – 3.93 USD Kindle, $8.99 USD Paperback, Amazon UK – £2.99 Kindle, £5.99 Paperback

Social Media Links: Twitter, Facebook

The lazy Leprechaun is a children’s story about a lazy leprechaun named Lanzo.  Lanzo doesn’t want to do any type of work at all, however he has a extremely important job.  He has to watch out for trolls from within the leprechaun’s fortress.  Unfortunately, he’s so lazy that he falls asleep each as well as every night when on duty.  When he does so, he awakes to discover trolls all over.  Now, without ruining the ending for you, I can safely specify that Lanzo learns a lesson he’ll never forget.

Conor Cassidy has written this story, as well as what he’s done is create something with a extremely important lesson.  If you’ve checked out my evaluations before, you understand that I like a great message hidden within a book.  I like that I can teach my kid these bit pieces of wisdom without really having to spell it out for him.

What I like about this specific lesson is the truth that it’s not something you see all the time in children’s books.  The lesson can be explained like this:

Every task is important and…

If you’re going to do a job, you should do it well, no matter what

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Now, I can honestly state I haven’t just recently run into one more youngsters book that tries to deal with a topic like this, as well as I absolutely like that this book goes there.

A photo of me.

I feel I have to point out one other thing about the story. Our author Conor established a complex character in just a few pages.  You (and your bit one) will feel for Lanzo in a number of different ways.  At the start, my bit guy told me that he didn’t like Lanzo.  I presume this was since he was so lazy as well as not a extremely positive character.  What was fascinating was that my kid told me he felt poor for Lanzo at the end of the book.  He had really absorbed whatever the author was portraying about Lanzo, as well as I believe that states a great deal about Conor’s composing style.

When speaking of the illustrations in this book, I can honestly state that they are unique.  The textured surfaces aren’t something you see in every kids’ book, as well as I like the depth that this originality provides.  The structures provide depth on the characters as well as objects (like the poultry below).  just put, this type of detail produces engagement, motivating your kid to (again) take in more from the story.

He’s a foodie, too!

The lazy Leprechaun is a story book that’s tailor-made for young children as well as young children.  It’s particularly well produced kids who like castles, trolls, as well as things from the medieval ages.  youngsters like that will absolutely adore the illustrations, as well as they’ll both dislike as well as like Lanzo all in the exact same sitting.  That’s a great deal to get when you’re speaking about the expense of a book that’s just $3.93 USD and £2.99 for a Kindle copy as well as $8.99 and £5.99 for a paperback version.

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Thanks for reading…with your children.

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साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीकोभाग

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