Holidays as well as household Time: What Are You Doing?

साझेदारीले हेरचाह गरिरहेको छ!


ठूलो गाडीको


HOLIDAYS as well as household TIME: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?


James L. Casale, Ph.D.

One of my visitors suggested this topic. She believes, as I do, that extra household time- even for working parents-presents itself during holiday weekends as well as prolonged seasonal events that include Thanksgiving as well as Christmas. As a result, I couldn’t assist believing about what my other half as well as I would do in a different way if we understood then-in the 60s as well as 70s- versus what we understand now.

First things First

First of all, our goal of increasing as well as mentor our kids to be kind, compassionate, considerate, selfless, respectful, accountable as well as life-long learners would have been written as a household objective statement as well as published in a conspicuous location in our home. It would guide our actions as a family. I feel comfortable stating that in “those days “we understood bit however tried difficult to raise our two children, James as well as Karen, in an atmosphere that emphasized personal as well as academic growth. At that time, I had not yet formulated Dr. Casale’s very first Commandment of Parenting:

“Thou shalt have a household objective statement that is published in a conspicuous location as well as referred to often.”

(For more info on household objective statements, checked out chapters one as well as two in Dr. Casale’s book.)

Memorial Day Weekend

Since I am composing this on Memorial Day weekend, as well as my household has a long history of armed forces service, I’ll begin here. holiday events are rich chances for parents to set an example as instructors as well as function models.

Do not enable this considerable day to pass without selecting one or more of the complying with activities If you do, I’ll have to revoke your citizenship)

Check a book out from your regional library that explains this sacred day. checked out it together as well as discuss it.

Listen to a version of Taps. It’s most likely on YouTube.

Display your American flag.

Attend a Memorial Day Parade.

Check TV programming that focuses on Memorial Day as well as watch it together.

Send a card to a professional who is confined to hospital as well as say thanks to him or her for their service.

Get creative

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Holidays are the perfect chances to learn, as well as focus on others who are less fortunate rather than on yourself. These life lessons never end in our quest to ended up being much better people as well as much better citizens. If you have kids at house at any type of age, it’s not as well late to boost high quality household time as well as stay true to your mission. The selfless things you do during any type of holiday weekend or season are transferable to other holidays as well as other seasonal celebrations.

Dr. Casale is the author of the extremely applauded parenting book, smart Up as well as be the Solution: exactly how to produce discovering culture at house make your kid a success in school. Skyhorse publishing (NYC) offered at book stores, amazon as well as

     Copyright: 28 may 2016 by James L. Casale, Ph.D.      

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साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको


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